Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Driving in Korea

It is funny to me that the Koreans have so many driving laws. Before I took my test I studied for several days so that I could remember all the rules. When I went to take my driving test I passed, then I started driving. When I started driving and knew the rules I realized how many rules they break. ALL OF THEM!!!!! They run red lights in fact if you stop at a stop sign and a car or bus pulls up behind you he will honk until you move. So after months of driving in Korea I can honestly give some sound advise about driving here. First red lights are optional unless a bus or cab is behind you then it becomes required to run. Speed limits don't matter anymore than the red lights. Watch out for scooters especially if you are walking on the sidewalk. Don't pull over for flashing lights no matter the color of the lights. Cop, ambulances, and firetrucks always drive with there lights flashing. Cars here have flashing lights on their cars just for fun. It is actually very fun to drive in Korea it reminds me of Walmart at 4 am on black Friday, very much a contact sport.

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